Thursday, January 25, 2007

Winter Snow.

So yesterday I took Hannah to work and when I came back it took me more than a few times to get our car up the driveway into the garage. As I approached the house I was even slow at braking and I still drove right on by sliding on the ice. As I backed the car up and began to go up the drive way I could only find that the little train that could, really only could make 75% of the drive. So I had to back up and try and try... telling myself I think I can I think I can... and to my amazement I finally made it.

So today, we got more snow, I thought I would go outside and do some work:

Thankfully you couldn't see every time I slipped out there! I came to learn that underneath the snow was a layer of ice that I still have yet to break. Thankfully I have some friends coming over now who are bringing some goodies for me! Hopefully after I get Hannah tonight I will be able to make it up the driveway!! If not, I will be out there with a shovel breaking the ice!

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