Christmas is past now. We had a very nice Christmas here with my family. Nolan did a very good job of keeping up the fireplace and we just had fun cooking and enjoying the atmosphere that Christmas brings. I hope all of your Christmas's were just as great:) It's definitely a time that makes me miss Denmark. I think Denmark celebrates this season in a very special way. Something that has made me see Christmas very different than I had before.
Aside from that I would just like to advice anyone to NOT see the Wicker Man. Nolan and I just watched it and it just leaves you feeling bad and frustrated. The whole movie was so corrupt. I feel awful just thinking about the idea of the movie. So just a little advice to avoid that one. Tomorrow I will be working again and then some Danish family will be here and I am very very excited to see my sisters:):):)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Christmas Season
I realize it's been a very long time since I've written on here. My mom even called to see why. As an answer to prayer I have been working a lot more the last few weeks, almost full time! If you think of it pray that it'll continue in this way, we could use some extra work. By the time I get home and we get dinner down I'm so tired and I'm in the transition of trying to find a new routine with everything.
This weekend there has been lots of down time. Seeing as how I work in a germ infested world, I've managed to get what most of the kids have had for the last several weeks. Something disgusting that is for sure. Now that I'm rested and feeling mostly better aside from the occasional runny nose, tomorrow I will emerge myself again into the snot infested, whinny world of sick kids. It seems inevitable that by this time next weekend if not sooner I will back to this couch feeling miserable again. The only difference will be Christmas will be tomorrow and my family will be here, making it much more enjoyable.
So that is what has been going on in the world of me. Hope all is well. Merry Christmas:)
This weekend there has been lots of down time. Seeing as how I work in a germ infested world, I've managed to get what most of the kids have had for the last several weeks. Something disgusting that is for sure. Now that I'm rested and feeling mostly better aside from the occasional runny nose, tomorrow I will emerge myself again into the snot infested, whinny world of sick kids. It seems inevitable that by this time next weekend if not sooner I will back to this couch feeling miserable again. The only difference will be Christmas will be tomorrow and my family will be here, making it much more enjoyable.
So that is what has been going on in the world of me. Hope all is well. Merry Christmas:)
Monday, November 20, 2006
A dog followed me home
Over the past years I've developed a habit of running in the morning. Living here with our slow life style has made that a lot more enjoyable. Well today while I was at the begining of my run I was joined by a beautiful bassethound. Most people who know me know I love bassethounds (I grew up with them), and so I was friendly with him. I guess he likes running as well because he joined me for my entire run including all the way back to the house. At this point I wasn't sure what to do because I'm bad at turning animals away but knew he wouldn't be welcomed into our home. He had a collar but no tags, so I at least knew he belonged to someone. I open the door slightly because he wants to go in and am yelling for Nolan, but Nolan is too slow and he runs in the house anyways. I guess he thought he was home, and maybe should of been at home here, but by force I walked him down to where I found him and Nolan picked me up in the car and like some sad movie drove away as he chased us. My heart broke and I just hope he lives there and will join me for some more morning runs. I have missed having a running partner.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Abes' Corner: Attack
So I'm just sitting here on my computor minding my own business. For Andy who has been to our house, I'm sitting on the couch in the tv room and you know the chair next to it... well out of the corner of my eye I see something black and white (abe) bounce off of the chair and flying straight towards my head. By flying I mean arms up and in a flying position and the next thing I know hits me in the head his front arms/legs around my neck biting my ear. So I wrestle him a little and then put him on the ground. He ran away and about 60 seconds later the above has repeated itself. The cat can jump alright.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
The Psalms
In my bible along these verses it reads:
The Fortunate People.
Who are the most fortunate people in the world? The psalmist tells us it's those who know the true source of joy and make it a practice to consciously rejoice in what they know. Ethan the Levite models this for us in all the preceding verses. To recall the astounding works of the Lord leads inevitably to spontaneous praise and exultation in his righteousness. We have a choice about where we will place our focus (Phil. 4:8). The psalmists show us not only that God demonstrates great compassion toward us when we are sunk in the mire of a negative perspective, but also how blessed we are when we learn to focus on God's attributes and works.
This put a huge conviction on me and how I've been acting lately. How much do I really reflect on the attributes of God? I think my worship has weakened because I fail in doing this daily and I am missing out on the joy he has had for me because my focus has been mostly on communication to God, not that this is a bad thing to have in my life it's been great but not all that was intended to be between me and God. We (I) say he is worthy of all our praise but what am I allowing my capacity to grow when I don't reflect on the great things of God or don't focus on them? How will my faith grow? I am challenged in this today and I just encourage you to think about who the God you are serving is. Wouldn't it make our days a little bit more exciting?
The Fortunate People.
Who are the most fortunate people in the world? The psalmist tells us it's those who know the true source of joy and make it a practice to consciously rejoice in what they know. Ethan the Levite models this for us in all the preceding verses. To recall the astounding works of the Lord leads inevitably to spontaneous praise and exultation in his righteousness. We have a choice about where we will place our focus (Phil. 4:8). The psalmists show us not only that God demonstrates great compassion toward us when we are sunk in the mire of a negative perspective, but also how blessed we are when we learn to focus on God's attributes and works.
This put a huge conviction on me and how I've been acting lately. How much do I really reflect on the attributes of God? I think my worship has weakened because I fail in doing this daily and I am missing out on the joy he has had for me because my focus has been mostly on communication to God, not that this is a bad thing to have in my life it's been great but not all that was intended to be between me and God. We (I) say he is worthy of all our praise but what am I allowing my capacity to grow when I don't reflect on the great things of God or don't focus on them? How will my faith grow? I am challenged in this today and I just encourage you to think about who the God you are serving is. Wouldn't it make our days a little bit more exciting?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
We sang this song at church this morning and it stirred something in me. It's funny how my mind can get me so lost. For a while now I've been so upset about not being in Denmark. Nolan and I came here to be married and nothing else. I don't know why I've been so mad. My emotions took me to focus on what I had and now don't have. This song made me remember the Vision God gave me to come here and where will go after this. It challenged me in that moment to remember the bigger picture.
Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
Thursday, October 12, 2006
But the kids were really cute today with the snow coming and going. They were so excited. I've been meaning to post pictures but I never remember my camera and the other day nolan reminded me but did not remind me to get the memory card so it was a waste of reminding. Plus I will have to show you our bunny. The new joy in my life. We got a bunny for our preschool room and he is HUGE. He's called a flemming giant, and he's about the size of chunky if you've met or seen pictures of him. I'll show you, just remind me to grab the whole camera tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
NEW: abe's corner
Other human traits: Abe has also started to come in the shower with me. Yes I thought cats were not big fans of water too, but Abe seems to have no fear. He has been sprayed and yet continues to come in the shower to drink the water in the tub not caring of that fact that he is getting wet. I guess he just likes to be close, not wanting to miss out on whatever we are doing. Traits of a good kitty.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
running moments.
When I was running this morning, I turned on united live, and memories of cimc came flooding back. I was starting to feel emotional. These weeks have been a struggle, just trying to understand the transition. When I was there I never struggled with feeling purpose or adventure. There was always something to dream about, always something to do, too much to do oftentimes. But now all of a sudden I'm struggling with purpose. I had heard most people do when they leave masters, I just didn't think I would knowing I was coming back. It's just like with all the God moments and experiences I had over there I placed it on the place. Like it's because I was there that I had those moments and experiences when really that's very false. It's because of God that I had those experiences and moments... I just so happened to be in a different country. SO if he's a God that's never changing... always the same today, yesterday, and forever, then why is it so hard for me to understand that my life isn't over just because I'm not there right now? Sounds stupid, but it's a real struggle for me these days. So if you're thinking of me ask the Lord to give me a double portion of hope. That's what I've been trying to focus on. That thankfully I have a hope in him for purpose regardless of my location.
Sunday, October 1, 2006
abe driving
Eyes on the road:


... and checking speed. Good job Abe!

And just a visual... I cut myself last night. This is one days healing. It looked awful last night, thought nolan was going to pass out when he was treating it. I survive though. Thankfully my pampered chef stuff should be here and I won't have to worry about cutting myself.
... and checking speed. Good job Abe!
And just a visual... I cut myself last night. This is one days healing. It looked awful last night, thought nolan was going to pass out when he was treating it. I survive though. Thankfully my pampered chef stuff should be here and I won't have to worry about cutting myself.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
church signs.
I ran across this sign on someone's myspace with the connection to Bush and how we should have reelected him.
another sign I saw around here says "Fear God, Obey his commands"
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
apple iphone?
You know sometime ago I got sucked into the Myspace world. I wonder who made that because I am sure they are millionaires now. Anyways a few of my friends have used it to do music and it seems so smart. They're so good and somehow I guess there's a lot of good people out there and only a few make it? Who knows. My friend Lara though made it to the final auditions for American idol and then not further but still that's pretty far! You should go check her stuff out at or my friend Pete's band at they remind me of Mum. I don't have the right letter for u, but you know who I'm talking about. Those in masters last year anyways.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
clip cards.DSBklip
I found an alle zoner in my coat the other day with one clip left and then nolan found a 2 zoner with 6 clips left in his jacket yesterday. It doesn't make what I've been feeling for the last couple days any easier. It's hard to explain but my heart just hurts and aches when I think about all my experiences and friends in Denmark... when I think about the culture even. I long to just visit it right now. I honestly have grown to love where we are living now. I love my job, I love those kids. I love the beauty all around us and the quiet simple life to live right now. I know this is where we're supposed to be. But I poured so much of myself into Denmark and people there and Denmark has poured so much into me that it's hard to be apart of myself.

I miss my room that was always decorated by the holiday because of Amy. The funny but awesome mix we had in personalities from Hannah BM, Leah, Amy and I. Amy sleeping in my bed.
I miss my walk to the Kornbek-Hansen's and getting cozy on their couch before prime with Camilla.
I miss the whole second family of mine. Camilla. Mom. Bjarne. Mickey. Nadja. Jolle. Marten. Grandma and Grandpa too.
I miss the trains... but not buses.
I miss running with Ruth on the cobblestone and through my favorite park. I wonder how many times I ran through there in two years.
I miss going during the fall to sit and journal under the trees there when they were bright and watching families play soccer.
Of course I miss the cafes.
I miss biking... I can feel that I haven't been.
I miss Klippen and Johannes' laugh.
I miss the fashion.
I miss Lise making me coffee all the time and having coffee all the time.
I miss working at Menu before Christmas.
I miss the piano guy on the walking street.
I miss laughing with the worship team.
I miss biking to Melody's and having tacos.
I could probably go on forever at this point. Lord don't you say you give us the desires of our hearts?
I miss my room that was always decorated by the holiday because of Amy. The funny but awesome mix we had in personalities from Hannah BM, Leah, Amy and I. Amy sleeping in my bed.
I miss my walk to the Kornbek-Hansen's and getting cozy on their couch before prime with Camilla.
I miss the whole second family of mine. Camilla. Mom. Bjarne. Mickey. Nadja. Jolle. Marten. Grandma and Grandpa too.
I miss the trains... but not buses.
I miss running with Ruth on the cobblestone and through my favorite park. I wonder how many times I ran through there in two years.
I miss going during the fall to sit and journal under the trees there when they were bright and watching families play soccer.
Of course I miss the cafes.
I miss biking... I can feel that I haven't been.
I miss Klippen and Johannes' laugh.
I miss the fashion.
I miss Lise making me coffee all the time and having coffee all the time.
I miss working at Menu before Christmas.
I miss the piano guy on the walking street.
I miss laughing with the worship team.
I miss biking to Melody's and having tacos.
I could probably go on forever at this point. Lord don't you say you give us the desires of our hearts?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I am learning quite a bit about parenting these days. Two of the girls I watch everyday live with their mom who is never home and see there dad on some weekends. They also happen to be the ones most easily upset and most needy and smartallic... think there's a connection? I'm falling in love with these kids and I have to watch my anger because some of the parents make me angry at times.
In my own parenting to Abe... He's learned to get on the counter pretty well now. Not so good because like today when he wasn't such a good kitty... ate some of the chicken they were making for dinner and chewed through a plastic bag twice to get to the muffins I had in there. Little stinker! Gunna have to put some more discipline on the kitty.
In my own parenting to Abe... He's learned to get on the counter pretty well now. Not so good because like today when he wasn't such a good kitty... ate some of the chicken they were making for dinner and chewed through a plastic bag twice to get to the muffins I had in there. Little stinker! Gunna have to put some more discipline on the kitty.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
a post!
Lets see... One little girl who is 4 said "oh that's my bad" in her southern black girl accent to another teacher today. Remember we live in hick country so I don't know how she has this accent. Nolan's mom comes in tonight and his uncle and cousin are already here, so it's a full house.
Here are some pictures of our pride and joy and the flowers I picked down the street. I feel like a homemaker... weird. Plus I went to a pampered chef party on monday and have considered selling it myself. I guess that could possibly make me a grown up now... weird!

Here are some pictures of our pride and joy and the flowers I picked down the street. I feel like a homemaker... weird. Plus I went to a pampered chef party on monday and have considered selling it myself. I guess that could possibly make me a grown up now... weird!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Discovery Time
For those of you who haven't heard I got a new job in a daycare center and I am loving it! I know it sounds like a lot of work and pretty exhausting, and it kind of is, I just haven't really noticed that part of it yet. The kids there are coming from some pretty rough homes. There are like 3 kids whose parents are together, and the others only have one parent. One of the boys doesn't even know who his dad is and every time a male comes into the center he calls him daddy. There are some pretty sad situations. I asked one of the little girls yesterday what she had learned in school and she said "the Jesus loves me", so I thought that was pretty neat. We also have a kid whose from the Netherlands, so he has been speaking dutch to me every once in a while. His parents remind me of Denmark sometimes, with how they dress and speak:) Anyways I love it!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Since I've known Nolan and I would be living up here in this small town I have had this assumption that finding a job would be difficult, bad pay, and probably not any fun. Since we have been here my assumptions seem to be true and only reaffirmed my idea of working in small towns. I've struggled with God about this because it's difficult and praying for his favor but really set in my mind that whatever job I could scrap up would be crappy and I'd just have to live with it for a year and survive. Kind of a contradictory prayer, asking for God's favor but not really believing it can happen. Well especially the last couple days, or ever since I got turned down for the last job, I've been so discouraged and frusterated with the idea of working and finding a job. It just doesn't feel hopeful. Then this morning as I was laying this before the Lord, complaining to him really, I was coming across and looking for things to encourage me and remind me of God's faithfulness and how he delivers us to his blessing... things like this. A while ago Jody, my new mom, had given me a book by Beth Moore, Praying God's Word, and I started reading. The section is called overcoming unbelief and she just started sharing how God had spoken to her one day about her unbelief and she wasn't even aware that she wasn't believing God for what he promised. I found myself in her words because it's not like this whole time I wasn't believing God would provide, but as she shared I recognized I wasn't believing for God's best. God did say he has my best interest in mind, so did I really believe that for what kind of job I would get? Then she shared this verse from:
Ephesians 1:18-20, "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead."
and I thought wow... what if I actually believed that God wanted me to have the best job possible in this place, with all the odds against me, and I lived in that causing me to walk around with this great power, the same power he used to raise the dead, and what job would come out of that power? That's a pretty incredible God. This is my struggle... to believe, but Lord please help me overcome that unbelief.
Ephesians 1:18-20, "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead."
and I thought wow... what if I actually believed that God wanted me to have the best job possible in this place, with all the odds against me, and I lived in that causing me to walk around with this great power, the same power he used to raise the dead, and what job would come out of that power? That's a pretty incredible God. This is my struggle... to believe, but Lord please help me overcome that unbelief.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
new tarantino:)
So as you may have seen on Nolan's side we got a new member of our family! The farm down the street were giving away some kittens and I couldn't resist. He's absolutely perfect. He always wants to be held, always purring, playful and just loves to love. We're great companions. Seeing as how we don't have any friends yet and our life has become to the exstreme low key from what we're used to, this little kitty fills a very big void in my life. In fact right now he has found a bed in my neck and is sleeping. What a great friend:)
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Everything seems to be new. New husband. New house. New furniture in the house. New church. Gotta find a new job. No new friends yet, but will soon have that too. We have a new lifestyle.... a really slow one. So there are a lot of adjustments being made, and we may soon be adding a new kitty to all of our newness... it just seems to fit:) Life is really good. The honeymoon was so much fun, I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures, I do. Continue to look on here for stories that will come in our new day to day life.
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