Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Season

I realize it's been a very long time since I've written on here. My mom even called to see why. As an answer to prayer I have been working a lot more the last few weeks, almost full time! If you think of it pray that it'll continue in this way, we could use some extra work. By the time I get home and we get dinner down I'm so tired and I'm in the transition of trying to find a new routine with everything.

This weekend there has been lots of down time. Seeing as how I work in a germ infested world, I've managed to get what most of the kids have had for the last several weeks. Something disgusting that is for sure. Now that I'm rested and feeling mostly better aside from the occasional runny nose, tomorrow I will emerge myself again into the snot infested, whinny world of sick kids. It seems inevitable that by this time next weekend if not sooner I will back to this couch feeling miserable again. The only difference will be Christmas will be tomorrow and my family will be here, making it much more enjoyable.

So that is what has been going on in the world of me. Hope all is well. Merry Christmas:)

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